Fortunately, we do not have any confirmed cases at our school, however restrictions mean that our school will only be open on Monday to students of essential workers or vulnerable children. Should this change I will update the school community as soon as possible.
Face Masks
There is now a requirement that, in the 11 affected local government areas, all high
school students and all staff in all schools (i.e. special, primary and secondary) are to wear masks while at school. While this is a new requirement in school settings, all people over the age of 12 should already be wearing masks when out in the general population.
All schools have undertaken planning to deliver remote learning from the second school day of a lockdown or school closure. This is based on the individual curriculum needs, and may include a mix of online and hard copy resources. Parents and carers can also make use of the learning@home website.
Our school has invested significant time into developing our OneNote and Teams learning platforms so that students will be able to continue their learning. Monday provides an excellence opportunity for students to connect deeper with these platforms and focus on the unit content, assignments and revision for mid-term exams.
Year 11 and 12s
Senior assessment on Monday and Tuesday will be postponed and will need to be
rescheduled. If the lockdown goes beyond 3 days, further advice will be provided to you on future arrangements for senior secondary assessment.
Please be assured that our school has been taking all appropriate precautions regarding health and hygiene and we will continue to take the advice of Queensland Health. We are working closely with the public health authorities and our own Department of Education to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff.
If you have any concerns please contact the school on 3881 4700 between 8 am and 4 pm on Monday.
We all have a role to play to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. If you or any members of your household develop symptoms or feel unwell, please isolate and get tested.
Further information including interstate hotspots, contact tracing alerts, symptoms of COVID-19 and when to seek medical advice and prevention, can be found via Queensland Health
Thank you for your continued support.