Senior course readiness criteria and pre-requisite
What is the course about?
Social & Community Studies focuses on personal development and social skills that lead to self-reliance, self-management and concern for others.
What will students learn?
In studying Social and Community Services, students will learn about:
- personal skills
- interpersonal skills
- citizenship skills.
What skills will I learn through Social and Community Services?
- Explain personal and social concepts and skills.
- Examine personal and social information.
- Apply personal and social knowledge.
- Communicate responses.
- Evaluate projects.
Course Content
Year 10 Sem 2
| Work environments Healthy choices for mind and body |
Year 11
| Unit 1Sustainable practices and financial choices: - Personal and social principles that relate to sustainability and money management; discuss and explore money management issues
| Unit 2
Legal and Digital Citizenship: - Investigate aspects of the Australian legal system, exploring how to be an active and informed citizen. Students will also explore the technology use, and its relationship to the law.
Year 12
| Unit 3 Global Citizenship: - Students investigate the contemporary world and their role in constructing a cohesive international society. Legal risks overseas, tourism, and immigration is discussed.
| Unit 4Arts and Identity: - Students discuss how the arts contribute to a sense of belonging for individuals, groups and communities and how they contribute to identities.
How will students be assessed?
Students will complete the following assessments:
- project
- investigation
- extended response
- examination.
Subject Summary
| Internal assessment (100%)
| Up to 4
| Only 1 may contribute when combined with 4 general subject
*QCAA: Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority –